Walmart Isn't Waiting for Gun Control
One would think with all the shoddy work the Trump Administration has done and with all the ridicule they've received, there would be no more new ways to mock them. Then Walmart comes in to enact gun control measures in their stores after two major shootings affected their branches. Meanwhile, the U.S sits at around 300 mass shootings with no major solutions, according to the Gun Violence Archive website.
Walmart, the same company that ruins small communities, mistreats their workers, employs foreign child labor, and despises unions, is enacting gun control measures that may, at the very least, make it harder for shooters to cause massive casualties.
Illustration by Chloe Geschwind.
The retail corporation plans to stop selling ammunition for military-style weapons, enforce a no-carry policy in their stores - even in states with open-carry laws - and, in the case of Alaskan Walmarts, discontinue handguns sales. It's insane to think that Walmart - of all companies - was quick to enact gun control policies, considering their track record.
Even Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, in a memo to his employees, noted the massive public push for stronger gun control.
"We’ve also been listening to a lot of people inside and outside our company as we think about the role we can play in helping to make the country safer," McMillion said. "It’s clear to us that the status quo is unacceptable."
He also noted the time they previously enacted gun control measures.
In the same memo, McMillon stated, "We’ve previously made decisions to stop selling handguns or military-style rifles such as the AR-15, to raise the age limit to purchase a firearm or ammunition to 21, to require a ‘green light’ on a background check while federal law only requires the absence of a ‘red light,’ to videotape the point of sale for firearms and to only allow certain trained associates to sell firearms."
Though - in the case of the AR-15 - they stopped selling the rifle due to poor sales, according to 2015 articles by NPR, Reuters, and the New York Times.
The idea that a company like Walmart - that engages in multiple unethical practices and routinely milks small communities and workers for all their worth - is enacting gun control measures faster than our own government is pure insanity, despite the large amount of public support for federal gun control measures.
According to an NPR article, almost everyone, regardless of whether they are gun owners, Democrats, or Republicans, is calling for some sort of gun control measure. However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuses to even evaluate any kind of gun reform bill until Trump announces his plan, and, because Trump is Trump, we can't even speculate on the specifics or timeline of the plan or when he decides to announce it.
McConnell keeps acting as if enacting any kind of gun reform would be a knee-jerk reaction to a group of isolated incidents, but these incidents are anything but isolated. There are so many shootings happening that any kind of gun reform would be better than nothing. Instead, they're twiddling their thumbs while also telling Americans that everyone either wants us dead, to take our lands, or takes our jobs.
Our country has many citizens that struggle with their mental health, and some of them end up going off the deep end and hurting others. But the biggest issue right now is that getting a gun is extremely easy, to the point where in Odessa, Texas, one of the most recent shooters purchased a gun through a private seller.
The whole country is shouting for some kind of solution to the mass shootings and we need to continue to do that non-stop until the mass shootings stop. We also need to kick out McConnell because a man who refuses to even look at possible solutions to stop children from getting shot doesn't even deserve to be in this country, let alone shape U.S. Policy.