A.S. Election 2023 Results

On Friday, April 7, the election results for the Santa Monica College 2023-2024 Associated Students (A.S.) Board of Directors were announced during the A.S. Election Committee meeting. 437 students voted for 14 candidates running for 10 positions. The newly-elected candidates will serve in the 2023-2024 school year. The results are also available on the A.S. website. 

Infographic by Victor Chambers

The meeting was initially scheduled for 9 a.m. but was postponed due to the committee being unable to establish a quorum. The candidates and committee members reconvened at 3 p.m. The brief meeting confirmed the winners and announced there were no reported campaign violations. 

Cecilia Jeong, current Director of Basic Needs and newly-elected A.S. President, said she is “grateful and humbled” for the support she has received from SMC students throughout the campaigning period. 

“Thank you, students, for giving me a chance to reach out to you and ask for your support,” said Jeong. “Thanks to my other slate member Alyssa and wholesome campaign helpers for our uplifting ‘What’s Up SMC’ slate journey, and thank you to SMC’s Chamber Choir and the Hunchback musical cast for their enthusiasm and love for my campaign.”

Justin Liu, current Director of Budget Management and candidate who ran opposite Jeong for the President position, said that he is upset he lost the election, but asks support for the elected President.

“What motivated me to run for A.S. President is a wish to nurture a more inclusive community where all students feel safe and like they belong,” said Liu. “I have great confidence that SMC will still move forward in that way with my opposition’s lead.”

He also thanked the candidates that were part of his “Student Inclusion” slate, highlighting that most of them got elected. As for his next steps, Liu said that he will focus on his current duties as a director and that he will remain committed to serving his community.



Total Number of Voters: 437

A.S. President 

Winner: Cecilia Jeong - 201 votes / 52.5% of votes

47.4% of voters’ share

Justin Liu - 182 votes / 47.5% of votes

42.9% of voters’ share


A.S. Secretary 

Winner: Onni Huang - 328 votes / 100% of votes

77.4% of voters’ share


A.S. Director of Basic Needs   

Winner: Ee Lin Tsen - 178 votes / 61.8% of votes

42% of voters’ share

Kwun Shek Fung - 110 votes / 38.2% of votes

25.9% of voters’ share


A.S. Director of Instructional Support   

Winner: Subin Kang - 154 votes / 52.7% of votes

36.3% of voters’ share

Li Shen Yang: 138 votes / 47.3% of votes

32.5% of voters’ share

A.S. Director of Student Outreach     

Winner: Doris (Ling-Hsuan) Huang - 294 votes / 100% of votes

69.3% of voters’ share

A.S. Director of Equity and Diversity   

Winner: Phanphasa Parinyasrisawet - 283 votes / 100% of votes

66.7% of voters’ share

A.S. Director of External Affairs   

Winner: Esmeralda Hernandez - 286 votes / 100% of votes

67.5% of voters’ share

A.S. Director of Publicity   

Winner: Lina Fuellemann - 176 votes / 55.5% of votes

41.5% of voters’ share

Lia Chung - 141 votes / 44.5% of votes

33.3% of voters’ share

A.S. Director of Sustainability 

Winner: Elliot Organ - 287 votes / 100% of votes

67.7% of voters’ share


Student Trustee   

Winner: Alyssa Arreola - 304 votes / 100% of votes

71.7% of voters’ share

Article updated April 10 with statements from A.S. presidential candidates and voter counts.


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