Club Row: Meet the Clubs of Santa Monica College
Dozens of student clubs and organizations gathered in the main campus quad for Club Row on Thursday, April 27, shining a spotlight on the many groups that SMC has to offer for students.
Santa Monica College Alpha Gamma Sigma Inter-club council delegate Jin Liu (L-R), Yuan Ying, Kimberly Ta, and Jasmine Garcia hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society (AGS)
The mission of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honors Society (AGS) is to give back to the community through community service and building relationships throughout SMC. The main activities the club engages in is community service. “Last week we did a USC event where we helped out volunteer work,” said member Jasmine Garcia. Fellow member Kimberly Ta said that if you are a contributing member of the club you receive a honors notation on your transcript.
The club holds meetings on Thursdays at 11:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. in room 006 of the Math Complex on the main campus. To contact them, email or follow them on Instagram @agssmc.
Armenian Student Association President Aram Kouloujian at his club's booth during Club Row in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27, 2023. (Isaac Manno | The Corsair)
Armenian Student Association (ASA)
The Armenian Student Association (ASA) is now active and open for new members. When asked what ASA is about, Alek Mouardian, vice-president of the ASA said, “We're basically just trying to build a community of Armenians inside Santa Monica and there's a lot of other ASA at other colleges to be a part of their communities as well. And you just build a cultural and social community.”
You do not need to be Armenian in order to join ASA and members will be meeting over zoom on Thursday from 11:15 a.m.- 12:15 p.m. and can be contacted by their club email
Astronomy Club
The Astronomy Club is open to all students who are interested in astronomy and stargazing, not just STEM majors. The goal of the club is to spread the passion for celestial science. “We have all kinds of resources and activities that the majority of students might find interesting,” said vice president Quentin Le Ny. “At the moment, Santa Monica College has a limited number of astronomy classes, so the goal of our club is to provide its members with as much knowledge on the subject as possible.”
The meetings are held every other Tuesday from 11:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. in room 155 of the Life & Physical Science building on main campus. For more information, email
Santa Monica College Astronomy Club Co-founder and President Ole Jo Legvold (center), Corey Theiss (left), and Quentin Le Ny (right) hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Santa Monica College Black Collegians Club Secretary Zhena Omojola (left) and Treasurer Ramon Hunter hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Black Collegians
The purpose of the Black Collegians Program Club is to help Black students and students of color with their goals in college. Club treasurer Ramon Hunter said the club engages in activities like financial workshops and healing circles. “There’s a lot missing, there’s like a disconnect between what people think they know and what they should know, and I feel like we can bridge that gap and teach and educate people of color,” said Hunter.
The club meets in room 291 of the Student Services Center on Tuesdays from 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. For more information, contact their email at
Chabad on Campus
Chabad on Campus focuses on Jewish life on campus while studying Jewish history, celebrating holidays, and finding a community. “If you see us on campus, feel free to join. We love meeting new people,” said member Michele Farnoush.
Students interested in joining the Chabad on Campus can find them on instagram @chabadSMC.
Members of Chabad at Santa Monica College: Lauren Sasounian, Candice Anvari, Michele Farnoush (President), and Eitan Eghbalieh, during SMC's Club Row on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
Santa Monica College Data Science Club President Zhuoni Huang (center right), Vice President Yu-Wei Yang (left), Social Media Manager Tina Zhou (center left), and Kaley Plonka (right) hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Data Science Club
The mission of the Data Science club is to create a community with people who enjoy and want to learn data science. Member Caley Plonka described the brand-new club as a community finder for people who want to be a part of data science. ''We are trying to get involved with stuff like inviting other hosts, learning more about data science and involving others in the community,” she said.
The club meets twice a month through Zoom. In order to join them, reach out to their email at or Instagram @data_science_club_smc.
Earth Science Club
The goal of the Earth Science Club is to raise environmental awareness and prepare students for careers in the Earth Sciences field. The club gives its members opportunities to take various field trips, socialize with each other, and make new friends. “We’re going to go to the California Science Center very soon. We also go on many hikes,” said president Joy Santiago. “Recently, our club made a trip to the Temescal Canyon Trail. We want our members to explore nature.”
Meetings are held every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom. For more information, email
Santa Monica College Earth Science President Joy Santiago (left) and event coordinator Yuta Morishita (right) hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Elijah Church, President of the Eco Action Club of Santa Monica College, during SMC's Club Row on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
Eco Action Club
Eco Action Club raises awareness about sustainability issues on campus, hosts events and performs environmental research projects throughout the year. The club meets on Mondays at 1 p.m. at the Sustainability Center on Main Campus.
President Elijah Church, an environmental studies major at SMC, said all students are welcome regardless of their knowledge of sustainability. “I know for me, I didn’t know a thing about sustainability on campus until I got more involved with clubs,” Church said.
Students interested in joining the Eco Action club can email for more information.
Santa Monica College Engineering Club President Grace Jimenez hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Engineering Club
The Engineering Club provides Engineering and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors with techniques that will be useful for them once they start working in the industry. The club is perfect for students who are new to science, math and technology.
“You don’t need any prior knowledge when coming to the club. We help our members understand the topics from scratch and go through everything step by step,” said president Grace Jimenez.
Workshops provide lessons on engineering and science, as well as networking skills. Meetings are held every other Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. in Drescher Hall on the main campus. For more information, reach out to
Daniel Whyte, member of the film club, helps describes the activities hosted by the film club such as script writing, media design and many others at the film club. Santa Monica College April 27,2023 (Alejandro Contreras |The Corsair)
Film Club
The Film Club at SMC is welcoming for diverse groups of lovers of motion pictures and people who are interested in learning about the filmmaking process. The club will educate students on all technical aspects of filmmaking and the inner workings of the entertainment industry. “We as a film club, we are trying to talk about movies, watch movies, and trying to also make movies,” said club president Mateusz Żymańczyk. Żymańczyk and club vice president Felipe Hoyos said they feel excited being part of the club and what it entails for all current and future participants.
The film club meets every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Room 102 at the Center for Media and Design (CMD) campus. For more information, contact them at or on Instagram @smcfilmclub.
Geek Club
The Geek Club is all about enjoying different mediums in the world of entertainment, including anime, movies, TV shows, cartoons, and comic books. “Our club gives us space for people to relax and talk about their favorite things,” said club president Angie Azad. “College can be tough and sometimes the best way to get through it is to give yourself a break and this club is meant to be like that.” The Geek Club meets through Zoom on Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m., and occasionally in person. For more information, you can contact them at or follow them on Instagram
Angie Azad (Right) President of the Geek Club, majoring in computer science and Connor O'Sulliean(left) Social Media manager of the Geek Club, majoring in media studies, Santa Monica College April 27, 2023 (Alejandro Contreras |The Corsair)
The Gender Sexuality Alliance table was vibrant with colors and the remains of a Jenga game at Club Row on the Main Quad on campus at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27th, 2023. (Akemi Rico | The Corsair)
Gender Sexuality Alliance
The Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club is dedicated to be a fun and safe space for queer people and allies. They hold meetings every Thursday from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the second floor of the Cayton Center building. David Garcia, second-year History major and a member of the club, said that meetings are often for members to hang out and discuss issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. They said that the club is focused on getting students to know about their meetings. “We also watch television shows, play games, and have a lot of fun,” they said.
They can be contacted through email at or Instagram @smcgendersexualityalliance.
International Student Forum
Abril Olivares-Salgado, President of International Student Forum (ISF) said, “Most of the beloved members are international students. Coming here from other parts of the world without their family or friends in an unfamiliar place. So we are here to support them to be their family, basically.” ISF hosts various events for their members from small picnics, trips to the museum, the beach and Universal Studios. “Our only purpose is to connect people with other people.” Olivares-Salgado said.
ISF will be holding a scavenger hunt on the main campus on April 28, and a link can be found on their instagram page to sign up and participate @smc.isf.
International Students Forum President Abril Olivares-Salgado at the forum's booth in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27, 2023. (Isaac Manno | The Corsair)
Santa Monica College Math Club Founder and Secretary Quentin Le Ny hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Math Club
The Math Club was founded September 2022 by Quentin Le Ny, and has become a community full of students who share a passion for mathematics. The club hosts a range of activities, from participating in mathematics competitions to providing resources for students who need extra help in their math classes. “Our main goal is just to help students pass their math classes and strengthen their math skills in general,” said founder Quentin Le Ny.
The Math Club welcomes all students, whether you are a math prodigy or just starting out. If you are interested in joining the club, you can find more information on the club’s Instagram @smc_math_club as well as the Math Club Discord server.
Muslim Student Association
The Muslim Student Association focuses on building community and creating a positive environment for Muslim students and anyone interested in learning. They host charity events like the Islamic Relief Charity Week that was held last semester. “We are really excited. We hope more members come and join,” club president Mariam Ally said. “It’s all about building a community, because sometimes you can feel isolated and alone.”
Students interested in joining the Muslim Student Association can email or find them on instagram @msasmc.
David Colefield (Inter-Club Delegate) and Mariam Ally (President), of the Muslim Student Association, during Club Row at Santa Monica College on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
Santa Monica College National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) club President Sheida Shayegani (center left), vice president of community service Reshma Sheikh (left), Vice President Skylar Vintachi (center right), and Gus Matone (right) hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS)
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is an Honors Club at Santa Monica College that aids first and second-year students with internships, networking and volunteer opportunities.
“We want to encourage members to enhance their leadership skills before transferring to a school,” said Sheida Shayegani, President of NSCS at SMC. “I think that's really what makes NSCS different from other clubs. We deepen the focus on leadership.” The club also offers workshops on transferring and internships. With no GPA requirement, all first and second-year students are welcome to join.
The NSCS club meetings are held every other Friday, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. over Zoom. If you are interested in joining the club, you can contact them by email, or by joining their Discord server.
Orthodox Union’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC)
Orthodox Union’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC) provides students with scholarships, Shabbat and holiday meals, advice and a “home away from home.”
“I do the teaching, and I organize the students. They run the club, and I am there for the students,” SMC alumnus Rod Najibi said. “I came back because I love SMC a lot, and I wanted to be a part of it again.”
Students who want to find out more about OU-JLIC can email
Members of the Orthodox Union's Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus: (kneeling, left-to-right) Samuel Eshagh Darvish (President), Lauren Sasounian, Nicole Zokaim, (standing) Mikael Jaernbo, Rod Najibi, Rachel Lando, and Nicole Aslemand, during Club Row at Santa Monica College on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
On display at the Period Club table are various items related to women’s health and the menstrual cycle, including the Diva Cup, at Club Row on the Main Quad on campus at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27th, 2023. (Akemi Rico | The Corsair)
Period Club
The Period Club’s mission is to address menstrual equity through service, education and advocacy. Based in Portland, Oregon, the club network spans 22 countries and over 500 chapters.
The SMC chapter promotes its work through various events and workshops at the college. One of these events includes “Packing Parties” when club members pack bags with menstrual products and distribute them at the Bodega and Student Equity Center. The club’s Menstrual Cup Workshops, where attendees are given free menstrual cups and educated on how to use them, have also proven to be quite successful. Kaia Susman, Chemistry and Public Health major and President of the Period Club, said “We’ve found that holding these events and workshops have really helped our club engage and connect with students.”
To contact, follow them on Instagram @period.smc or email at
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an Honors Society at Santa Monica College that recognizes and encourages scholarship among community college students. The club offers research opportunities, college projects, transcript notations, and fellowship workshops for its students to aid them in their careers.
“Our goal is really just to honor our amazing members,” said Capri Quattrocchi, vice president of PTK. “Offer them some great things to be a part of.”
The Club meets every other Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. There is an upcoming membership workshop on May 4 from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information, including how to become a member, visit their site at
Santa Monica College Phi Theta Kappa club Vice President Capri Quattrocchi (left) and Secretary Zoe Medina hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Amelia Fuchs, third year Santa Monica College (SMC) student, reacts as she plays Jenga at the Gender Sexuality Alliance table at Club Row on the Main Quad on campus at SMC in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27th, 2023. (Akemi Rico | The Corsair)
Pre-Health Professional Association (PHPA)
The Pre-Health Professional Association club is focused on sharing extensive information, resources and opportunities with students who are interested in the pre-health route. They hold meetings every Tuesday and often invite speakers or produce workshops discussing topics such as health equity.
The club currently has over 250 members. Lisa Eun, Anthropology major and the board member responsible for the club’s social media, said that she has been reaching out to other community college medical-focused social media accounts and asking them to share their posts and information. “I feel like a lot of people still don't know about our club and using social media to reach more students has been very helpful,” said Eun.
To contact, follow them on Instagram @smcpha or email at
Pre-Law Society Club
Pre-Law Society Club hosts workshops for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and has guest speakers from law schools give helpful information about taking their next steps following their careers.
“We have a range of guest speakers to workshops, the workshops deal with LSAT prep, resume word, internships, kind of preparation for that,” said club president Myriam Abuouhaidear. “Pre-law major and law school can be a very frightening thing, but just know that this is a very safe space, especially because all of us can relate to one another.”
Students interested in joining the Pre-Law Society Club can find more information @prelawsmc on Instagram.
Niki Aghili and Myriam Abouhaidar, respectively, Officer and President of the Pre-Law Society, during Club Row at Santa Monica College on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
From L to R, Gabriel Billingsley, Psych Club president, and Ariella Khakshooy, Psych Club treasurer, chat with students at Club Row on the Main Quad on campus at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27th, 2023. (Akemi Rico | The Corsair)
Psychology Club
The Psychology club is dedicated to discuss psychology-related topics such as mental health and wellness. They hold meetings every Monday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in room 150 of the Humanities and Social Sciences building. The club often invites speakers to discuss topics such as how students can improve their mental health and balance their personal and academic lives. Club treasurer Ariella Khakshooy said that they are also very active on their Discord channels where they share opportunities and information. “We have group discussions to figure out advice we can give each other on improving mental health and other topics like that,” said Khakshooy.
They can be contacted through email at or Instagram @psychclubsmc.
Santa Monica College Scholarship Club President Gabriela Serrano (center), Esthela Moncada (left) and Treasurer Leisha Smith hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. " (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Scholarship Club
The Scholarship Club provides SMC students with opportunities to learn about the different types of awards that can help them thrive financially throughout their college career.
“Our goal is to be a valuable resource for students who don’t know what kinds of possibilities are out there for them,” said president Gabriela Serrano. “I truly believe that mindset is everything. If you believe you can do well, you will achieve great things.”
Members also learn the importance of networking and how to have a positive attitude when it comes to reaching one’s goals. Meetings are held every Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m. via Zoom. For more information, email
Andrew Boone, of the Student Bible Study Club, during Club Row at Santa Monica College on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
Student Bible Study
Student Bible Study meets weekly to study the bible and have an open discussion to share Christian ideas and beliefs. “Jesus Christ saved me. He changed my life. I want everyone to know about Him,” said member Andrew Boone.
Bible Study meets every Monday in the cafeteria on main campus at 5:45 p.m. To learn more about them students can email
Student Veterans of America Club
Student Veterans of America Club is a nation-wide organization that offers benefits for veterans who want to continue their educational careers and seek camaraderie. The club is located on the main campus alongside the Veterans Success Center.
“We’re here to help facilitate that transition, help them with career professional guidance in order to get started in school and get the education they need to meet their goals and move on in the professional world,” said outreach coordinator Bailey Steele.
Students interested in finding out more about the Student Veterans of America can find them on instagram @smc_veterans.
Bailey Steele (center), Outreach Coordinator of Student Veterans of America, Santa Monica College Chapter, and, from the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Veteran Peer Access Network, Jin Suh (left) and Manuel Rendon (right), during SMC's Club Row on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in Santa Monica, Calif. (Nicholas McCall | The Corsair)
Holly Stiebel president (right) and (left) Brooke Stiebel VP of the Women’s Finance Club, Santa Monica College main campus for SMC Club Row event. In Santa Monica, Calif. Thursday, April 27, 2023. Los Angeles, Calif. (Daniel De Anda | The Corsair)
Women’s Finance Club
The Women’s Finance Club was created to help the female student body of SMC learn the basic fundamentals of finance by managing their own investments, savings, spending habits, and more. Club President Holly Stievel organized the group in Spring 2022 after she noticed “a huge discrepancy between men and women, not only in the finance industry, but in personal finance” explaining, “that’s why I made it women only.” Through education, discussion and access to resources, the club strives to educate women on how to be financially independent. The Women’s Finance Club gets together Mondays at 7:45 p.m. via Google Meet.
For more information, email
Women in STEM (WiSTEM)
The mission of Women in STEM (WiSTEM) is to encourage open collaboration and equity for women in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields. Skylar Vitanatchi, the President of WiSTEM, said the club is open to anyone regardless of gender or race, but they prioritize women because “STEM is competitive especially for women.” “We talk about what professors we’ve taken, study tips, and even some insight into the workplace,” said Vice President Sunny Monday.
The best way to contact them is through email at and Instagram @wistem_smc.
Santa Monica College Women in STEM Club President Skylar Vintachi (center), Publicist Yuan Ying (left), and Vice President Sunni Monday (right) hosting a booth during Club Row on the main campus in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Club Row was an event held by the school's Associated Students with the theme of "Spring Forward." (Caylo Seals | The Corsair)
Writers Club Member Jaqueline Shattuck Supporting their clubs booth at Club Row in Santa Monica, Calif. on Thursday, April 27, 2023. (Isaac Manno | The Corsair)
Writer’s Club
The Writer’s Club is a safe place for writers to share their work, improve their writing skills, and receive feedback. Every week, the club holds meetings via Zoom and provides writing prompts to encourage creativity. Writer’s Club president Sophia Friend said “Every semester, we write an anthology, so anyone in the club who’s read work in our meeting can submit that to be published in the book.”
You can contact the Writer’s Club through their email at