Corsairs’ Dance Department Showcase Several Informal Dances


On Nov. 26, there was an informal open house and dance showcase at Santa Monica College (SMC) showcasing students from the school. Each dance was presented with its name, dance form and the performers.

The informal performance started with the beginner and intermediate levels of Contemporary Modern Dance by Professor Karen Mcdonald instructing the class on their movement. Students displayed various stretches and ballet stances, from bras bas, to shoulders and hips rotated, to en pointe with left or right leg straightened.

One of the individuals who performed a solo performance was Venice Gonzales “The King.” Gonzales performed a modern contemporary dance with martial arts movement.

After the performances ended, Gonzales expressed his thoughts on dances. Gonzales said, “I loved all the performances. This is my first time in a dance class and every time I see someone else performing, I get inspired to do something new, something more, push myself, reach new heights, and I love it. It's just like a dream.”

Gonzales performed two dances at the dance showcase: a beginner hip-hop and a personal solo performance of martial arts hip-hop form. “The skills I learned from Marissa's class, the skills I learned from Tomasic's class, and then my own personal spin on things. I combined hip-hop with my previous martial arts experience to utilize a combination of forms and techniques, all to the music, to portray a story with the dance. I love that and how that flows within you,” said Gonzales about how his personal dance came to be.

The “King” wishes to be a caseworker and case manager one day. He plans to utilize a psychology credential and combine it with a dance associate degree, Gonzales wants to be a therapist and teach students to incorporate dance within therapy.

“Dance is very healing. It's very good for momentum and flow. So I'm utilizing dance, nutrition, and psychology all in one to help students and help others develop themselves into the best version they can be.” said Gonzales

Other significant dances included freestyle and hip-hop by dancer Michael Howard. Howard is one of the performers for Global Motion and also performed at the showcase.

According to the SMC dance department, Global Motion is a world dance performance company that has toured throughout California, Mexico, and even China and Italy, for more than 30 years. Exploring themes of humanity and global citizenship with dance.

Howard said, “Overall I feel pretty good just on a spiritual level. I feel like all of my moves were for the most part very fluid, considering it was a freestyle. So I just try to hold myself to a certain standard every time I get on the floor.”

“My personal goals… I just want to be able to get as much experience on stage as I can… when I go back out to the real world, I'm prepared for whatever may be thrown at me as a dancer. Even if that means teaching. Never quite thought about it, but if the opportunity presents itself then that's something I'm willing to pursue.” said Howard on his aspirations as a dancer.

The dedication, devotion and enthusiasm within the SMC student dancers display why students continue to thrive and feel ecstatic.

The community in the dance department has been active since it was founded 40 years ago. Though there are no auditions for the regular dance classes at SMC, auditions are required for dancers and choreographers within the two companies: Global Motion World company and Synapse Contemporary Dance Theater.

For more information on how to join the dance department and audition for Global Motion or Synapse dance companies, a link is available here.


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