AI Directing Students’ Career Pathways
Photo by Alexey Nosov | The Corsair
Emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redirecting students' career choices. Students at Santa Monica College (SMC) are aware these advancements will dramatically shift their career paths as they are now thinking twice about what major they pursue, factoring in the future of technology. Swiftly, AI emerged as a personal aide in both professional environments and educational institutions.
AI Impact on Jobs
An estimate done by the World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs Report” predicts artificial technology will create 97 million jobs, which may eventually lead to the creation of new majors in colleges. A report by Investment Bank Goldman Sachs states roughly 300 million full-time jobs may be replaced by AI. The report also reveals that white-collar jobs with high entry rates are most at risk. The question about AI taking jobs away is up in the air as studies claim it will, but reports about the possible new addition of jobs are apparent.
Computer Science Major Perspective
Joonseo Kim, a computer science major at SMC, said, “I think it's good for computer science majors because we are actually making the AI.” He sees AI as a significant victory due to the emergence of fresh opportunities in his industry, such as developing and overseeing the systems.
“Even when you take some things [jobs] away, it [AI] creates new opportunities,” David Oboyski, a computer science major at SMC, said. He explained as a result, assembly line workers may lose their jobs, however, the company creates new jobs to manage the assembly line or repair the machines.
When asked about the contributions of AI in the workplace, Oboyski explained that the advancements in technology should amplify a worker’s power and productivity. As a result of this increase in productivity in a capitalist society, instead of easing the burden on the worker, it eases the burden on the owner.
How AI Works
Kim explained the flaws of AI concerning how it is programmed to prioritize its given tasks without taking any other factors into consideration. AI is programmed to do exactly what it is asked, nothing more and nothing less, because it lacks autonomy or initiative, adhering solely to the instructions provided by human programmers. In addition, AI is unable to understand context and infer intent beyond the given explicit instructions. AI systems work by running through large sets of data using processing algorithms to learn from patterns in the data. The data does the programming and allows the AI to perform its task. Because AI is not human, learning thousands or millions of tasks is done so quickly.
Impact on Entertainment
Despite its limitations, AI is encroaching on the entertainment industry as well. New advancements in the technology allow for the creation of realistic images, videos, and art. Several websites, such as Canva, DeepAI, Hotpot, and Open AI, can create images within seconds. By typing in the name of an artist or desired visuals, the computer will spit back an image in the style of the artist requested.
Slobodsky said, “It won't replace artistic professions completely because it lacks the creative ability.” She is concerned about using AI in Photoshop and deep fakes, videos, or photos that use someone's likeness as a digital puppet. Deep fake videos can be dangerous because anyone’s face and voice can be used to create a false reality.
Leo Sperber, an SMC film and linguistics major, believes there needs to be protection against AI, citing last year's writers’ strike, where AI was previously not used ethically by the studios. In response, writers voiced their demands for protection against the technology.
Sperber said that writing-based majors are at the most risk because of the abilities of ChatGTP and other writing AI assistance tools. Science majors are pretty safe because AI cannot discover something new. AI can not conduct new research as it is designed to take from pre-existing knowledge, he said.
The addition of new technologies and the idea of technology replacing humans do not worry Eitiel Kohanzadeh, an SMC student with a focus on business. He said that finance jobs require advanced critical thinking skills that AI can not replicate. “Sometimes, the pragmatic solution isn’t the right solution,” Kohanzadeh said. Practical solutions fail to consider creativity.
Not every student is taking the addition of AI into consideration. Etienne Dunoyer, a journalism student at SMC, feels the human touch is important in the field of journalism because it “won’t be as special without a person leading it.”
The future holds new jobs, career opportunities, and majors thanks to innovative tech. The rapid, unpredictable growth of artificial intelligence is already a huge influence in the workplace, school, and career development. This is only the beginning of the collaboration between robots and humankind.