Staying Entertained in Quarantine


During the COVID-19 pandemic, many across the country have found new ways to stay entertained while staying inside and social distancing. When first told to stay indoors for their safety, some dove into the world of binging television shows and movies.

Soon after, people either began growing tired of the same routine or felt like they watched everything there is to watch. As time has progressed, people have taken the time to tap into new skills and pursue interests they have not had the time to do before.

Many Santa Monica College (SMC) students have taken it upon themselves to use this time to grow their interests into something bigger than just their source of entertainment. These activities span from learning how to braid hair to reaching into the fantasy world of video games.

One of the many students who have developed their hobby while being staying inside is Rhael Hayes, a freshman at SMC, who has taken it upon herself to learn to braid. She discovered it was a great way to pass the time, and once she got the hang of it she couldn’t stop.

“I had always been interested, there were styles I have always wanted to try but never knew how to do," said Hayes.

She has branched out into braiding hair for others. Hayes wants to share the message that "even if you don’t get the hang of something new at first, keep practicing and you will succeed in the end."

Francis Tyler Cald, an experimental filmmaker, has also made progress with his hobby of filmmaking during this time. He entertains himself and grows his interest by binge-watching a wide range of works, which he says translates into his editing style.

“I have adapted to creating in quarantine and it made me put more thought into my work,” says Cald. He has taken this time to put his latest work titled “The Fetus with 1,000 Faces” on his YouTube channel, Francis Tyler Cald.

Moving from the world of video to video games, Seaghan Colling, who has always been into gaming, has used it as a way to pass the time.

"It is a way to stay in touch and have fun with friends while still maintaining distance,” said Colling.

Throughout this time, he has come to discover how similar life is to games. "I noticed how the decisions you make while gaming impact what happens next for you, and how life is the exact same in how everyday we make choices that lead us down certain paths," said Colling.

Being inside has given people perspective into the world that surrounds them, which translates into themselves and the actions they take. As we all move forward during these hard times, we must remember that we can use this time as a positive time of self-growth and improvement.


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