Smart phone apps a meal ticket for entrepreneurs

Let's agree on one fact; without applications (apps), a smart phone would be just a phone.  If you have never used an app or never seen one, then you live in the Stone Age.  Face it; apps rule! Whether you have an iPhone, Android or Blackberry, you downloaded countless of apps on your phone either because they are important for your everyday survival, or you want to look cool and show off what the apps you downloaded can do. 

Those who possess the talent to invent their own apps are the entrepreneurs of today and tomorrow.  These entrepreneurs, if successful, can control your smart phone usage. They set the standard for which apps displayed on your phone screen make you cool and "in the know."

They are the Gods of apps, the new kings of cool. Their goal is to give you something to do on your smart phone besides text, stare at your Facebook wall, or Twitter how you just got the new-God help you if you did- Justin Bieber movie on DVD.

These successful app inventors probably started by hearing a phrase we are all very familiar with. "You should make an app for that!" The simple answer is: Yes, you should! Create that app if you think it'll boom in the app market and you might become a wealthy entrepreneur of tomorrow's advanced technological world.

Google created the App Inventor which enables anyone in possession of a Google account to create their own app for Android. It's basic and you don't have to be a tech-geek in order to create your own app through the program, just creative. "This is because instead of writing code, you visually design the way the app looks and use blocks to specify the app's behavior," claims Google Labs website.

So, if you think you can make the best soundboard of farts, burps, or moronic sayings, then this is your chance to shine. Right? The App Inventor is free to use and the steps to follow are very clear for anyone who has a great app idea. Apps created on the App Inventor can be shared with other App Inventor users but cannot be uploaded to the Android Market at the moment. 

"Currently there are technical limitations preventing an App Inventor app from being uploaded to the Android Market, but we are actively working to resolve this," states the Google Labs website. So, once the App Inventor apps can be uploaded to the market, you are well on your way to becoming an entrepreneur in the world of apps.

The New York Times has its top 10 must-have iPhone and Android apps, which helps smart phone users decide what's worth downloading.  Apps like Evernote, Urbanspoon, and Soundhound are on the top 10 list for both iPhone and Android markets. Evernote, an app that is built to work like the human memory, actually helps discover new app inventors with great app ideas. "If you build something that we think our users should know about, we'll add it to the Evernote Trunk, our catalog of apps, services and hardware that work with Evernote," according to the Evernote website.

The popular app Zedge is created for users to produce and download content such as wallpapers, ringtones, and themes. They have reached a community of 9.5 million users for the Android Market and get 40 million visitors per month. The best part is that they have the Zedge Discovery Network, which supports new app developers and future app entrepreneurs to get discovered. They feature their newest app invention on their Zedge Discovery Network and all Zedge users will be exposed to it.

There are a number of ways to create your own app and then to promote it, but it's the amount of interest in the app that will make or break it in the world of apps. That's the principle of becoming an entrepreneur in any type of business. Take the risk and either celebrate your success or accept defeat, but you might as well try with so many doors open to you.