Barfly - Q's Billiards
The one constant through all the years, has been beer pong. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But beer pong has marked the time. This game – it's a part of our past. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh...people will come play beer pong at Q's on Sunday. People will most definitely come.
Barfly - First Fridays
Let's face it: natural history museums are badass. So is drinking. Having one without the other for your entire life almost feels like a rip off. For a combination that fulfills both your childhood and grown-up fantasies, get to the NatHiMuLA* for their intellectual and inebriating First Fridays .
Barfly - Father's Office
Life is full of disappointments, and just like the day you discovered that Santa Clause was fake, you eventually find out that your dad's double-locked repository wasn't hiding anything but a stash of brandy and bunch of nude photographs that look a lot like mom. For an experience less scarring than your father's office, try Father's Office.
Barfly - SOUTH
Here's some trivia for you: Barfly hates sports bars. As a rule, I'm opposed to purpose-built bars whose built purpose isn't to get me hammered out of my mind. Bar SOUTH breaks that tradition - in spades.
Barfly - Max Karaoke
It's BYOB. That's right, it's not even a bar. In fact, all they sell are tiny bags of chips and freeze-dried edamame and if you ask them for drinks they'll point you to the liquor store across the street. So why is it being reviewed by Barfly? Because you can bring your own booze.
Barfly - The Village Idiot
The Village Idiot is not a bar. The Village Idiot is the waiting room of an overbooked, understaffed VA hospital where all the crotchety old-age pensioners have been substituted with pretentious new-age hipsters. After a full decade of sitting in VA hospitals while serving in the US Navy, you can imagine my disappointment with a bar that offers a similar experience (but without the worthwhile benefit of receiving a month's worth of prescription narcotics at the end).
Barfly - Lost & Found
Aallow me to break tradition by telling you – beforehand – that if you go to Lost & Found and think it's a shithole, you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch.