Student's 2016 Academy Awards reactions

During the height of the 2016 Academy Awards madness, field reporter Leyla Leiva scourged through SMC's main campus to see what the students thought about their own predictions and reactions to the Oscars this year. With this year's Academy Awards over and done with, we were able to capture a few student opinions about the annual awards ceremony regarding who they thought would win for best actor, best actress, best directing and best picture. Obvious favorites of these categories were Leonardo DiCaprio for best actor, Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence for best actress, Alejandro G. Iñárritu for best directing, and "The Revenant" for best picture.

After the Academy Awards premiered, we returned back to campus to pose the question, "What did you think about the Oscars?"

What we found out is that not many students watched the Oscars live. Most of the students we interviewed stated how they "did not watch the [awards show] live" and mainly aggregated the ceremony's biggest headlines such as DiCaprio's first Oscar win and Chris Rock's no-holds-barred opening monologue on social media.  One student even "forgot" about the annual proceedings for a day of beach fun. Of course with the the resounding amount of controversy regarding the 2016 Academy Awards we had one student express her disappointment with this year's nominations despite the "great performances" of other "colored actors".

What do you think? Did you watch the 2016 Academy Awards? Let us know what you think!

For more of our coverage of this year's Academy Awards check out arts & entertainment editor Jacob Hirsohn's review of the 2016 Academy Awards:

And staff photographer, Christian Monterrosa's photo story about the "All White Oscars" protest that transpired that same evening of the annual awards ceremony:



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