Opinion Sarah Nachimson Opinion Sarah Nachimson

The War on Gay and Trans Youth

Legislation such as the “Don’t Say Gay” Law in Florida and Texas Governer Greg Abbott’s orderes to penalize parents of children receiving gender-affirming medical treatment harm gay and trans youth.

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Opinion Katheryne Menendez Opinion Katheryne Menendez

The Value of Ethnic Studies

After Gov. Gavin Newsom approved a bill to make ethnic studies a requirement for high school graduation, we should acknowledge what makes ethnic studies not only valuable, but necessary.

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Opinion Morgan Spillman Opinion Morgan Spillman

Help for Homeless Youth

Santa Monica College has done its best to accommodate low-income and unhoused students and connect them with the resources that they need, but is there more they can do to improve the homelessness epidemic?

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Opinion Ashley Cox Opinion Ashley Cox

Trumping the Vaccine

The misconception that vaccinations are dangerous is a topic that has swirled through the public for years now. In a Texas A&M Survey taken between late May and June of 2020, it was found that more than 31% of the American population had no intention of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. More and more “anti—vaxxers” pop up all over the globe spreading opinions that usually have little scientific background.

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Opinion Allie Leeds Opinion Allie Leeds

The Alone Star State: Texas Energy Failure

Texas is currently suffering from one of its worst climate crises in state history. While The Lone Star State is no stranger to blackouts due to weather emergencies like tornados and hurricanes, Winter Storm Uri was a uniquely dangerous incident. Millions of Texans went without power and were freezing in their homes without safe drinking water.

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Opinion Michael Goldsmith Opinion Michael Goldsmith

The Snowflake Coup

As the great American philosopher George “Dubya” Bush once said, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

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