A.S. Seeking Student Input for Cayton Center Update
The Cayton Center will soon receive a $12,000 update. Students are asked to share what changes they would like to see. (Sandi Garcia/The Corsair)
The Cayton Center on the main campus of Santa Monica College (SMC) will be updated this semester with a $12,000 budget with the hopes of providing a better on campus experience for students.
SMC's Student Trustee Brooke Harrington is looking to SMC students first for ideas on possible new Cayton Center updates and uses, asking students for their suggestions on how the popular student lounge should be updated. Harrington has asked students to write down their needs on post-it sticky notes and hang them on a poster in the Cayton Center designated for this activity. Students are encouraged to use note pads and pens provided by the Associated Students (A.S.) next to the suggestion poster to provide their thoughts on possible ways to enhance the student lounge.
SMC students currently use the Cayton Center for everything from social interactions to Associated Student Board Meetings during the Spring and Fall semesters.
SMC student and current President of the Democratic Socialist Club Tom Rhalter is a frequent Cayton Center visitor. When asked about the Cayton Center's relevance to the SMC community, Rhalter stated that he has been witness to "a lot of the best social interactions and community happen on campus."
The last minor update came to the student lounge a year ago. Student suggestions written on a poster include having a better air-conditioning system, more outlets for charging devices, movie nights, and more tables.
Rhalter has been keeping up with students suggestionsm which have been ranging in varying degrees of seriousness.
"The good suggestions are the ones that are going to get taken seriously and the ones that enhance the space without defining it," Rhalter said.
The Cayton Center will soon receive a $12,000 update. Students are asked to share what changes they would like to see. (Sandi Garcia/The Corsair)
At an Associated Students' meeting in September, board members discussed two leading suggestions by students that have the favor of the board. These suggestions include the student call for more outlets and a movie night to promote social and community events.
Director of Activities Carla Claure expressed her thoughts about the Cayton Center hosting a movie night.
"I think that is something that would be really great and bring people together," Director of Activities Carla Claure said.
Students interested in adding their own suggestions for the Cayton Center update may visit the Cayton Center for further information.