Women Fight to Get Bans Off Their Bodies
On Saturday May 14, thousands of people went to the "Bans Off Our Bodies" rally in Downtown Los Angeles following a leaked Supreme Court opinion draft indicates a possible overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Supporters of a woman's right to abortion arrive at the end of the Woman's March in front of Los Angeles City Hall on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, Calif. After a leaked Supreme Court opinion piece seemed intent on repealing Roe v Wade precedent, woman's rights groups have mobilized efforts in response. (Marc Federici | The Corsair)

Protesters take to the streets to march after the Bans Off Our Bodies Rally at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, May 14, 2022. (Anna Sophia Moltke | The Corsair)

A Counter-protestor gets swarmed by Abortion rights supporters as he tries to voice his opinions why abortion is wrong on May 14, 2022 at the Federal Building in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

Thousands of people showed up in support of the Bans Off Our Bodies Rally at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, May 14, 2022. (Anna Sophia Moltke | The Corsair)

Karen Bass speaks about abortion rights during the Woman's March in front of Los Angeles City Hall on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, Calif. After a leaked Supreme Court opinion piece seemed intent on repealing Roe v Wade precedent, woman's rights groups have mobilized efforts in response. (Marc Federici | The Corsair)

A younger man climbs on top of a bus stop while championing a sign during the Woman's March in front of Los Angeles City Hall on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, Calif. After a leaked Supreme Court opinion piece seemed intent on repealing Roe v Wade precedent, woman's rights groups have mobilized efforts in response. (Marc Federici | The Corsair)

Mandy Arnold holds an umbrella with triangular green signs hanging from it. Bans Off Our Bodies Rally at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, May 14, 2022. (Anna Sophia Moltke | The Corsair)

An abortion rights supporter yells in the face of a counter protester that arrived to voice his opinions on why abortion is wrong on May 14, 2022, in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

A Rise4AbortionRights leader waves a green flag to the masses as they march through the streets of DTLA on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

An abortion rights supporter yells as he joins in on the crowds chants on May 14, 2022, in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

A Rise4AbortionRights leader looks at the oncoming police officers as they march through the streets of DTLA on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

A Counter-protestor gets swarmed by Abortion rights supporters as he tries to voice his opinions why abortion is wrong on May 14, 2022 at the Federal Building in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

Abortion Rights supporters crowd into Pershing Square after a successful peaceful march throught he streets of DTLA on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. (Jon Putman | The Corsair)

A younger man climbs on top of a bus stop while championing a sign during the Woman's March in front of Los Angeles City Hall on May 14, 2022 in Los Angeles, Calif. After a leaked Supreme Court opinion piece seemed intent on repealing Roe v Wade precedent, woman's rights groups have mobilized efforts in response. (Marc Federici | The Corsair)
On Saturday May 14, thousands of people went to the "Bans Off Our Bodies" rally in Downtown Los Angeles following a leaked Supreme Court opinion draft indicates a possible overturn of Roe v. Wade, which protects a woman's right to abortion. Protestors marched around Pershing Square and City Hall holding signs that said, “My Body, My Choice," “No forced births," “Viva La Mujer," and “Why do men get to choose?”
Many supporters shared how they felt while marching in the streets of L.A. “We’re passed our abortion needs,” said member Lisa Kring, member of protest group The Handmaids from Hell. “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore."
"Men and women joined forces to fight for the rights that women deserve," Kring said. The anger in her voice spoke for itself and it showed how infuriating this situation has become.
To the protestors, marching meant making a bold statement. On this occasion, it was the fight for woman, as streets filled with chants of “Post Roe? Hell no!"