Comedic Pop Up Midterms at Santa Monica College

Comedic improvisational performances pop up in Santa Monica College on May 24, 2022.

Santa Monica College (SMC) offers a broad variety of Theater Arts classes and an extensive Theater Arts program. This includes a comedy class (TH ART 46) taught by Terrin Adir-Lynch in which put on a pop up improvisational performance for their mid-term on Tuesday May 24, 2022. The performance drew a crowd in the main quad on SMC campus as they acted for their grade. “I think this performance went really well being so minimalistic… we all came together really well,” said Safir Gravesande, a 22 year old student in the theater arts department.

The improvised performance was loosely put together in two weeks. While it may have been put together quickly, a lot of work and research went into this performance, “Florenda (Allie Jensen) and I sat down and watched the ‘Notebook’ and ‘500 Days of Summer’ to get a feel of playing lovers.” said Bernard Timmons II, a student in the theater arts department.

Classes like these give students a place to come out of their shell and every student interviewed had positive reviews when talking about the theater arts department at SMC, “SMC has honestly helped me a lot, even different professors like Terrin and Eric Martin have given me different outlooks on acting and given me different methods but also growing as a person.” said Timmons when asked how SMC has impacted his acting. “If you are undecided, I would recommend you take the comedy class.” said 20 year old Gabriel Arce about his class.

Other students like Gravesande echoed this idea that the comedy class could take you out of your shell and make you a more confident person.


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