Protests Erupt Outside IX Annual Summit of the Americas

Protestors from two groups gathered outside the 9th annual Summit of the Americas held at the Convention center in downtown Los Angeles, on Thursday June 9, to protest Abortion rights for Women and the Peoples of Latin America that were excluded from the Summit of Americas.
The Summit of Americas which was occurring merely a couple hundred feet from the protest outside, had demonstrators of the People of Latin America crowd cheering peacefully amongst the front entrance after a short rally throughout the streets of downtown Los Angeles. The Abortion rights group took it a bit further as one member chained themselves to the Summit of Americas entrance fence, while numerous other members set off green smoke bombs as a form of physical protest to show their support for abortion rights.
The Supreme Court still has to make a decision in the coming weeks whether or not the famous case Roe vs. Wade case giving Women rights pertaining to abortions, will be overturned. Until then, numerous other protests will be held throughout the nation until the decision is made.