SMC Artist Spotlight — Varad Sahasrabudhe
Corsair writer and editor Ava Cyr interviews Varad Sahasrabudhe, a guitarist and soon-to-be graduate of SMC, about his musical journey and inspirations.
Guest Podcast — birding, nature and moods
For SMC's Earth Week, guest podcaster Jenna Tibby walks us through her experience at one of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve's bimonthly birdwatching events in Playa Del Rey, CA.
The Corsair Podcast | Special Episode #1 — Reporting on "By the River Rivanna"
The Corsair editors behind the coverage of the Santa Monica College Theatre Arts department production “By The River Rivanna” talk about the behind-the-scenes reporting on the controversy.
"What's Good?" Podcast | Episode #3: "Dear Insanity" (Album Review)
Journalists from The Corsair review DPR IAN’s recent album drop in the storyline of The Other Side.
"What's Good?" Podcast | Episode #2: "nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana" (Album Review)
Journalists from The Corsair review Bad Bunny’s latest album “nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana.”
"What's Good?" Podcast | Episode #1: "Falling or Flying" (Album Review)
Journalists from The Corsair review the R&B album “Falling or Flying” by Jorja Smith.
Podcast: The Lucky SOB
This podcast is meant to inform Santa Monica College students of the different courses they can take to fulfill general education requirements. For our first episode, we'll be taking a closer look at anthropology.
Santa Monica College Transfer Podcast
Students from all over the Greater Los Angeles Area, the country, and the world flock to Santa Monica College for its highly coveted transfer rates. But, SMC students often don’t know what the process is truly like.