Week in Photos, Photo Stories Octavia Anderson, Alex Ramirez, & Marco Pallotti Week in Photos, Photo Stories Octavia Anderson, Alex Ramirez, & Marco Pallotti

As Election Day Turned Into Election Night Fears Of Widespread Civil Disturbance Were Not Realized

Although parts of the city looked normal, protesters were out and many store owners had boarded up their windows. Santa Monica was quiet after dark, but there were protests in downtown Los Angeles, and police made a number of arrests.

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Photo Stories, Week in Photos, 2020 in Review Michael Goldsmith Photo Stories, Week in Photos, 2020 in Review Michael Goldsmith

A Movement in the Valley

When Latora Green first decided to protest outside the Sherman Oaks Galleria on May 31, she couldn’t have anticipated how her life was about to change. Black Lives Matter protests were happening all throughout the country in response to George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officers, with many happening in different neighborhoods of L.A. “I came out here [to protest] when it happened to George Floyd, but I didn’t stop,” said Green. “It’s bigger than that...I did it because it keeps happening. It’s sad, it’s disgusting, and we’re saying ‘enough is enough’.”

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