Fashion Friday
Name: Carrington Armstead
Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif.
Major: Fashion
Wearing: Body suit from American Apparel, pants from Wet Seal, vest and shoes from Urban Outfitters, bag from American Eagle and hat from Lids.
What do you think everyone should have in their closet?
Everyone should definitely have a pair of Converse. They look great with everything, I just love them.
Which is your favorite clothing season and why?
Summer. You get to wear cute clothes and be almost half naked.
Which is your favorite store and why?
My favorite store is actually an online store called They have everything!
Hometown: San Fernando, Calif.
Major: Animation
Wearing: Sweater and dress from H&M, shoes from Tuk and a beanie she made herself.
How would you describe your style?
It's very casual and different. I just wear whatever I think looks good. However, I always manage to dress either too warm or too cold, which is very annoying.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Mostly from seeing people around me and look for stuff online.
Which is your favorite clothing season and why?
I think it is summer because you don't have to put that much effort to your clothing. You can pretty much wear whatever and it will look good.
Why did you choose the major you have?
I am very into entertainment, so I decided to start out with the animation and see what happens. When I am done studying, I think I'd like to work as a storyboard artist, but I am not completely sure about the future yet.
Hometown: New York
Major: Communication
Wearing: Sweater by Phillip Lim, pants from American Apparel and shoes by Dr. Martens.
How would you describe your style?
Refined. It's casual but professional. I would say I am more of a dressed-up person.
Where do you get your inspiration?
From a lot of different people, for example, the fashion blogger Rumi Neely. I also read Harper's Bazaar. I get a lot of inspiration from magazines.
Which is your favorite clothing season and why?
Definitely fall. You can still wear summer pieces and dress in layers. I really like that.
Why did you choose the major you have?
I want to work with fashion but mixed with communication. I would like to educate people about fashion and where trends actually comes from.
Hometown: Santa Monica, Calif.
Major: Management
Wearing: Dress from Forever 21, shoes from downtown Los Angeles and bag from Marshalls.
How would you describe your style?
I would describe it as contemporary and very girly but at the same time not too dressy. A mix of casual and dressy.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I follow many fashion accounts on Instagram. I gather inspiration from those accounts, and then I pick out things and trends I like and do my own thing with it.
Which is your favorite clothing season and why?
Summer. You get to wear really cute clothes like crop tops, shorts and leggings.
Why did you choose the major you have?
I was not sure what I wanted to study, but since I have good leadership skills, I chose management as my major.
Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif.
Major: Chemical engineer
Wearing: Shirt from Cotton On, pants from PacSun and shoes by Vans.
How would you describe your style?
It is pretty regular. A mix of street and casual.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I usually get most of my inspiration from skating magazines.
Which is your favorite clothing season and why?
Fall. I like being able to wear sweaters and warmer clothes.
Why did you choose the major you have?
I simply just really like chemistry, so after high school I decided to have that as my major in college.