beach parking plan

To whom it may concern:

I have an evening class that meets every Tuesday that is located at the Airport campus, yet I am still not allowed to park there without purchasing a $75 SMC parking permit. What was the point of acquiring that additional parking lot if not to help those students that attend classes at that airport campus? It's bad enough that when I did purchase a $75 parking permit I was still not guaranteed a parking space in the oh so efficient and newly built parking garage. Yes, it is easy to forget how much thought was put into helping ease the worries of the financially gifted college students that attend SMC when we park at those shiny parking meters that line Pearl street. The monies of which are collected from those meters go not to SMC but the city. Argh!

What was the point of acquiring that additional parking space at the Santa Monica airport if not to help those students that attend classes at that airport campus? I also, understand that those students attending classes only in the evening (where classes start after 6:00pm) at any SMC campus were not considered in this new beach parking plan. Thank-you in advance to the wonderful department that helped to create this ingenious plan to cut funds from yet another important area of student services. A large amount of students have full time jobs and can only attend evening classes. Now, it is much more difficult for us to do so. Thanks.

frustrated by all the budget cuts,

- SMC student, Sarah Bivens
