Food Trucks Return to Main Street Santa Monica After Long Hiatus
Once exiled from Main Street, the food trucks are now slowly returning. The food trucks are mandated to follow health measures such as requiring social distancing, only serving people with masks, and providing hand sanitizer.
Fashion Design Students Design from Home
Santa Monica College's (SMC) yearly fashion show, "La Mode," will be held online this year as a result of COVID-19. When the pandemic hit the US in March, the fashion department closed immediately on March 14, according to Professor Lorrie Ivas.
How the Corsair Pulled Through
Showing up to the Center for Media and Design on March 12 felt unlike any other day at Santa Monica College.
Inspiration is Just a Podcast Away
Science has shown that, “Thinking positive, happy, hopeful and optimistic thoughts decreases Cortisol [the body’s stress hormone] and produces Serotonin [the body’s natural anti-depressant], which creates a sense of well-being. This helps the brain function at peak capacity.”
The Broad Stage - Among the First to Announce 2020/21 Season
During a time when many Performing Arts Centers are unsure about what the next season may hold, Rob Bailis, Artistic and Executive Director of The Broad Stage, along with Santa Monica College (SMC) Superintendent Dr. Kathryn Jeffery, and The Broad Stage Board President Richard Kendall, announce The Broad Stage’s impressive 2020/21 Season.
What is the Culture of Chaos?
An older black man swept up heaps of shattered glass from the floor of his nail salon. The glass front door of his business had been smashed in the uproar of protesting for justice in the killing of George Floyd that led to property-destructing outbursts in downtown Santa Monica, late Sunday afternoon.
Staying Well During Safer at Home
Classes and support services were moved online from campus mid-March, and students have been home for almost 3 months.
Virtual Birthday Parties and Toilet Paper Cakes
Amid the rising concern of the coronavirus outbreak, changes have been implemented that put restrictions on the way daily life is lived including how people are now celebrating their birthdays.
Parks and Rec Raises Money For COVID-19, Challenges Classic Production Styles
Parks and Rec fans got a treat early into US quarantine when the sitcom returned for a special new episode that was filmed via video chat.
The Arts are Contagious
The already-vulnerable world of the arts is taking more hits per COVID-19. Viruses thrive from crowds, as do arts and culture.
Red Hen Press Hosts Poetry Livestream
In response to the COVID-19 Social Distancing Order, The Broad Stage in Santa Monica, SMC’s shared performance Hall, began their Broad Stage at Home initiative, which includes weekly live music performances and Poetry readings streamed on the The Broad Stage Facebook page.
A Crash Course in Protective Equipment
The PPE shortage has inspired community innovation. CrashSpace is a collection of volunteer hackers, programmers, builders, makers, artists and people who generally like to break things and see what new things they can build with the pieces.
Teaching Tragedy (or not) Remotely
When socio-political issues come in the form of a tragedy, such as the evolving Ahmaud Arbery case, colleges and universities often provide a breathing ground for expression and discussion.
The L.A. Philharmonic Hosts Digital Open Mic
For the first time in 98 years, the Hollywood Bowl is cancelling its summer season.
A Quarantine Miracle
Being a doctor during a global pandemic is one thing. Being an expectant mother during a global pandemic is another thing.
But being pregnant and a medical physician in the age of coronavirus? The combination is bound to create an experience like no other.
Aga Khan Museum of Toronto Goes Virtual
On April 22, the Aga Khan Museum, located in Toronto, Canada opened its virtual doors for guests to enter “a window into worlds unknown” and experience #MuseumWithoutWalls.
How to: Calm the %*@# Down
Self-help books are typically filled with sickening positive affirmations, foggily ethereal advice, or just straight up condescension. Sarah Night, self proclaimed "anti-guru" and author of "Calm the %*@# Down", has, however, catered to the market of people who absolutely abhor being told what to do, the crowd that prefers their information blunt and pragmatic.
Quarantine’s Best Friend
Current sheltering-in-place may be to blame for Los Angeles Animal Shelters quickly running out of adoptable animals. So many people are trying to adopt or foster animals right now, that shelters are actually having trouble meeting the demand.
One World Digitally Unifies For Charity
Celebrities have come together online to sing to you again, but this time it’s for a cause.
6ft Apart and Take What You Like - A Driveway Art Gallery
In a driveway in Santa Monica, two young artists display their own art for patrons to enjoy (from a six foot distance) and even take home any pieces they like.