Culture Karoline Berg Culture Karoline Berg

Fashion Design Students Design from Home

Santa Monica College's (SMC) yearly fashion show, "La Mode," will be held online this year as a result of COVID-19. When the pandemic hit the US in March, the fashion department closed immediately on March 14, according to Professor Lorrie Ivas.

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Culture, Entertainment Rebecca Hogan Culture, Entertainment Rebecca Hogan

The Broad Stage - Among the First to Announce 2020/21 Season

During a time when many Performing Arts Centers are unsure about what the next season may hold, Rob Bailis, Artistic and Executive Director of The Broad Stage, along with Santa Monica College (SMC) Superintendent Dr. Kathryn Jeffery, and The Broad Stage Board President Richard Kendall, announce The Broad Stage’s impressive 2020/21 Season.

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Culture Tatiana Louder Culture Tatiana Louder

What is the Culture of Chaos?

An older black man swept up heaps of shattered glass from the floor of his nail salon. The glass front door of his business had been smashed in the uproar of protesting for justice in the killing of George Floyd that led to property-destructing outbursts in downtown Santa Monica, late Sunday afternoon.

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Culture, Entertainment Damaris Galeano Culture, Entertainment Damaris Galeano

How to: Calm the %*@# Down

Self-help books are typically filled with sickening positive affirmations, foggily ethereal advice, or just straight up condescension. Sarah Night, self proclaimed "anti-guru" and author of "Calm the %*@# Down", has, however, catered to the market of people who absolutely abhor being told what to do, the crowd that prefers their information blunt and pragmatic.

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