America’s COVID-19 Accomplices
It’s easy to become numb to death, especially when it’s other people’s families and friends. Hearing the daily and collective statistics during the pandemic, it begins to feel like these numbers aren’t real people.
News Flash: The Pandemic Is Not Over
The trouble with this virus does not come from lack of research or even a bad immune system; it stems from our collective decision to feign ignorance. We go out to eat, we enjoy the simplicities of strolling down avenues, all in the middle of a raging pandemic. We don’t want to believe it, but things have not gotten better.
The Left Eats Its Own
Watching the Masters Tournament this past weekend, I was reminded of a phrase coined by sportscaster Jim Nantz about the yearly event: “A tradition unlike any other.” What immediately came to mind wasn’t the Super Bowl of golf, but instead the long and storied tradition of the political left eating their own
Are The Oscars Really Changing?
“Again the Academy is not meant to guide filmmaking but rather help put standards in place in order to be recognized in excellence. I do think in the Film and TV business right now there is a universal awareness we need to stop depicting characters based on racial stereotypes.”
VP-elect Kamala Harris isn’t the Voice That we Wanted, but The One We Need.
Her “Back on Track” program is a 12-18 month program that focuses on education, employment, and 220 hours of community service. First-time nonviolent felony offenders were eligible to participate in this program rather than going into the prison system.
All Hail Queen Kamala
“To the children of this country, regardless of your gender, our country has sent you a clear message: dream with ambition, lead with conviction and see yourself in a way that others may not. Simply because they’ve never seen it before.”
Having COVID-19 During the Election
The weekend before the election my physical health began to improve, and my mental health started to tank. Through Election Day my anxiety shot through the roof. Existential dread found its way in, stress manifested, and I was overwhelmed with an array of other unrecognizable emotions.
A Real Patriot’s Guide to Veterans Day
As Veterans Day approaches this election year it’s more important than ever to remember what November 11 represents.
Continuing to Salute our Veterans During a Pandemic
“we are grateful that it’s Veterans Day,” but what are people going to do for the veterans, other than enjoy a sale that uses their name?
The Value of Modern Presidential Debates
Trump’s track record of lying did not skip out on the night. When Wallace asked President Donald Trump if he would denounce white supremacy, he responded, “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by, but I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left." He later retracted that statement, stating he did not know who the Proud Boys were.
Melania Trump Disregards Child Separation Days Before Presidential Election
She is the antithesis of what is expected of a First Lady. Her behavior and lack of involvement in important humanitarian issues undermines the efforts of former First Ladies and disrespects the legacy of the position
Don’t Blame the Freshmen
The graduating class of 2020 has had one of the more somber educational experiences in recent times.
The Transfer Journey
Sorting through major-preparatory classes, general education classes and future schools can be awful, but it doesn't have to be!
Why Community College Should be the First Choice During the Pandemic
If committing to college was not hard enough already, the wake of COVID-19 has many students second-guessing whether or not to attend a four-year university.
Who’s Next? Am I Next?
For some people, their reality is a day filled with optimism and hope, while for some us our daily dose of reality is filled with fear. We fear not making it back home when we leave out the front door. We fear being pulled over while driving because of the unknown that can come along with that encounter.
Overindulged in Privilege
As we enter phase two of California’s safer at home order, many California residents are beginning to become fed up. For a while this wasn’t a problem, but now our privilege is showing.
Masking of America
Masks are defining life in America. People wear a face mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which has already killed over 100,000 Americans before the start of this month. Today, any cautious American does not leave home without wearing a face mask.
COVID-19 Through a Person of Color's Lens
It's hard enough living in a world that already has such a racial prejudice against you. People of color, including myself, are making conscious decisions everyday about the way that we present and show up in the world and how we are perceived by others, especially the police.
Snake Oil Selling in the Age of Coronavirus
Snake oil selling is nothing new here in America, but the country’s dramatic descent into a public health epidemic has highlighted the dangers of disinformation and the rejection of scientific facts. With deaths from COVID-19 climbing into the tens of thousands across the country, new attention is being focused on the dangers of misleading the American public.